The Power of Positive Thinking in Coeur d'Alene ID

I am listening to tapes by Norman Vincent Peale on the Power of Positive Thinking and it is a wonderful series and they can be found at your local library.
Everything we do starts with an idea, but it is up to us to decide if the idea is of a positive or negative nature in Coeur d'Alene ID. Now this doesn't mean that just because we have positive thoughts that everything in our life will work out perfectly. But it is important to live with a focus on the positive and the possibility because this can help lift us above our difficulty.
More about the book in Coeur d'Alene ID
Norman Vincent Peale recommends that we spend time each day quieting our mind and this will allow inspiration to flow. He says to have faith and believe that God is helping you through any challenges and successes. Believe in it and work at it. That is the key. Many times people believe in it but do not back it up with action steps and without action we cannot get closer to our goal.
Believe and Succeed. We want to see you live a life of health and prosperity. Visit our office and we will be happy to help you along your journey to healthier living.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Dawn
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8:00am - 12:00pm
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Natural Spine Solutions
3913 N Schreiber Way
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815